Sunshine Award

July 28, 2012 § 1 Comment

Blogging is very new to me, and I didn’t even hear of the Sunshine Award until I was nominated for it!

Thank you Glenn!

Glenn Weissel is a fellow blogger whose photographs are exquisite. You can see them here:   Be sure to look at the equine portraits!


Here’s some info on this award:

The Sunshine Award is an award bloggers give to other bloggers who “positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

It has a few rules which I will now follow:

  1. Accept the award.
  2. Post the award on your blog together with the name / link to blog of the person who granted the award.
  3. Answer the questions below.
  4. Pass the award to 10 other blogs providing links to their blogs.
  5. Contact your 10 bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So here goes:


  1. Favorite color? Mauve, like the color of the sky at sunset
  2. Favorite animal? – The horse
  3. Favorite number? Hmm…never really thought of numbers as a favorite thing but I’ll say 3, for the number of children I have
  4. Favorite food? Ravioli, preferably made by an Italian grandmother
  5. Favorite drink? That glass of wine at the end of the day
  6. Facebook or Twitter? Both I guess
  7. What is your passion? I really do have more than one but gardening, cooking and art sums it up
  8. Giving or getting presents? Giving
  9. Favorite day of the week? Friday, the weekend is ahead
  10. Favorite flower? Tough one, I have so many but Lily of the Valley for its heavenly scent, I fill the house up with them


Now for the hard part. There are so many good blogs out there and so many creative inspiring people that write them. They all probably have a bunch of awards already! Here is a list of 10:

1.   beautiful photos of delicious recipes

2.   back to basics, healthy tips and great recipes

3. (Put up or Shut Up) canning blog, unusual recipes

4.   (Art du Jour)  an artist blog, inspiring and informative

5.   (Byzantine Flowers)  “health and wellness, remedies, home and garden, recipes” says it all

6.  (Gardenswag) great gardening tips

7. (Roost) just simply beautiful in every way

8.  (French Country Home) when I daydream about a place in France

9. (Black Fox Homestead) gardening, recipes, living on the land stuff

10. (Nectar and Light) beautiful pic’s, interesting posts about food and family and stuff


There are so many creative people sharing their insights and knowledge, here are some so have a look!

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